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Research Interests 

     My research interest is the physiological mechanisms of the sexual difference in social communications. I am focused on typically the behavior of recipient during the communications, using the large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos). ​

​     So far,  I have been investigating the sexual difference of affiliative behaviour (i.e., allofeeding and allopreening) between pair bonded crow and the sexual difference in a dominance relationship of juvenile crows.


Research interset:ethology,animal psychology,comparative behavioral endocrinology



2016       B.A. in Human Relations, Keio University

​               B.A. paper theme

      The effect of food type and the sex for allofeeding between  pair bonded large-billed crow(Corvus macrorhynchos)

2018       M.A. in Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo

​               M.A. paper theme

   Sexual difference in cephalic morphology and social behavior in juvenile large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos

2018       Brain & Evolution 2018 

               German-Japanese Summer School on comparative neuroscience of brain evolution 

​​2018       Ph.D. course in Psychology, Keio University




2016  Instructor, Basic Psychology, at the University of Tokyo

2016  Teaching Assistant, English at the University of Tokyo

2017  Teaching Assistant, English at the University of Tokyo

​2018  Teaching Assistant, Statistics for Psychology, at Keio University 

​2019  Teaching Assistant, Psychology 3 and Psychology 4, at Keio University 

2018-      JSPS Fellowships for Doctoral Course Students (DC1)



2014  The 130 Mita-kai anniversary Commemorative Scholarship

2014  Keio University Scholarship for undergraduates 

2015       Keio University Scholarship for undergraduates

2017  International Symposium travel grants for graduate students

​2018  JSPS Fellowships for Doctoral Course Students (DC1)

2018  Keio University Scholarship for graduates

2019  Keio University Scholarship for graduates


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​Papers and Conference presentations

Papers (peer-reviewed )

1.Miyazawa, E., Seguchi, A., Takahashi, N., Motai, A., and Izawa, E-I. (in press) Different patterns of allogrooming between
   same-sex and opposite-sex in non-breeder groups of wild-caught large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) Ethology 126 195-206

Poster presentations (peer-reviewed)

1.Takahashi, N. Hasegawa, T. Izawa, EI.

   Male-skewed altruism in a pair-bond of life-long monogamous corvids.

   31st International Congress of Psychology. Pacifico Yokohama, JAPAN, 2016

2.Takahashi, N. Hasegawa, T. Izawa, EI. 

   Males are more senitive to dominants than females in captive juvenile crows.

   Behaviour 2017. the Estoril Congress Center, Portugal, 2017

3.Takahashi, N., Izawa, EI.

   Altruistic behaviour within pair-bonds is exchanged but skewed to males in captive large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos)

   Behaviour 2019 University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019

Poster presentations (non-peer-reviewed)

1. Takahashi, N. Hasegawa, T. Izawa, EI.

    the sexual difference and developmental differences in face morphology of juvenile large-billed crow

    the 35th Congress of Japan Ethological Society, Niigata University, JAPAN, 2016

2. Takahashi, N. Hasegawa, T. Izawa, EI. 

   Do sexually-unmatured juvenile crows discriminatively interact between males and females?

   the 76th Congress of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology, Hokkaido University, JAPAN, 2016

3. Takahashi, N. Hasegawa, T. Izawa, EI. 

   the sexual difference of submissive behaviour in captive juvenile crows.

   Koudou 2017,  the University of Tokyo, JAPAN, 2017 

4. Takahashi, N. Hasegawa, T. Izawa, EI.

   the sexual difference of submissive behaviour in captive juvenile crows.

   KAKENHI workshop: explication for the mechanisms for cognitive, neuronal, and ethological of collective behavior, 2017, JAPAN 

5. Takahashi, N. Hasegawa, T., MIYAZAWA, E., Izawa, EI.

   the sexual difference of social behaviour in juvenile crows.

   the 8th Congress of Grand-in-Aid for Scientific research on Innovative Areas:

   The Evolutionary Origin and Neural Basis of the Empathetic Systems, JAPAN, 2018

6. Takahashi, N., Izawa, EI.

 Males are more likely to show the submission to dominants than females in captive juvenile crows.

    the 37th Congress of Japan Ethological Society, Kyoto University, JAPAN, 2018

7. Takahashi, N., Izawa, EI.

    Sexual difference of subordinate response in the formation of dominance relationship

    in captive juveniles of the large-billed crow (Corvus macrorynchos)

    the 79th Congress of The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology, Sensyu University, JAPAN, 2019

8. Takahashi, N., Takeda, K., Izawa, EI.

     Sexual difference in heart rate response to dominant individuals in captive large-billed crows (Corvus macrorynchos)

     the 38th Congress of Japan Ethological Society, Osaka city university, JAPAN, 2019

Oral presentations (non-peer-reviewed)

1. Takahashi, N.

    Oral presentation for​ the 59th the japanese society of social psychology, Osaka, JAPAN, 2018

2.  Takahashi, N., Takeda, K., Izawa, EI.

     Sexual difference in heart rate response to dominant individuals in captive large-billed crows (Corvus macrorynchos)

     International Student Symposium on Animal Behavior & Cognition Kyoto University, JAPAN, 2019

3. Takahashi, N., Takeda, K., Izawa, EI.

    Sexual difference in heart rate response in subordinates individuals in captive large-billed crows (Corvus macrorynchos)

    The 43rd annual meeting of Japanese avian endocrinology, Azabu University, JAPAN, 2019

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